The Roanoke Times: Virginia Legislature Stands Up for Affordable Contact Lenses
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By Eric Peters –
Peters is a Copper Hill resident and political columnist whose work has been featured in The Washington Times, American Spectator, and The Washington Examiner. He is the author of “Automotive Atrocities” and “Road Hogs.”
Why should it be necessary — legally required — to go to an eye doctor’s office to get your vision checked — and a prescription for new contacts or eyeglasses issued?
It’s 2017 — not 1917 — and high-tech apps such as Opternative and GlassesOn can check for refractive error via a 25 minute online test, which is reviewed by an ophthalmologist licensed in your state. The doctor then writes a digital prescription, which you can use to shop for the best deal on new contacts or eyeglasses wherever you like.
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