Why Big Optometry Doesn’t Want You to Get Cheaper Eye Appointments

By: Charles Sauer –
Disruptive innovation isn’t just about changing how we tie our silky neck adornments, or even how we survive the terrible task of cutting onions (though an invention for that has sold around 1 million pairs). Disruptive innovation is sometimes about taking on an entrenched crony group that’s more worried about protecting their unfairly-won market share than actually competing for your money.
Disruptive innovation upsets cronies. They don’t like being disrupted. They like it when things stay the same. Because of some new disruptive innovations in optometry, the cronies are on full alert.
Unsurprisingly, cronies never approach politicians and ask for more freedom. Cronies ask for more protection from their competitors: more regulations, more licensure, etc. This is one of the best ways to identify them. Right now, despite the new innovations, an entrenched crony group is trying to make it harder and more expensive for all of us to get eyecare.